Day 8 Profile |
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58 degrees last night. 79 for a high today.
Today is a special day for me! Except for the Rae Lakes area, most of the JMT from this point on is new, unexplored trail for me. Fun!
It rained last night for a bit. I was snug in my little trailer so other than a dash to the picnic table to grab my boots, I wasn't affected. It takes my boots almost a full day to dry, so I won't be fording any more streams or rivers wearing them. I am using Vincere Grip socks as water shoes as well as camp shoes. I really like them. 3.7 oz for the pair. Perfect for camp shoes, or water shoes. A bit of a hassle using them for both. If I get them wet late in the day, they are not dry when I get to camp. I keep them in a mesh bag outside my pack so they do dry in a couple of hours. I will rate them at the end of this trip!
I got up at 6:30, dropped off my luxury items at the hiker barrel, and headed to the cafe for breakfast. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast and coffee. I can't eat like this in my civie life, so I really enjoy it when I can justify it as "necessary" for trail sustenance.
I paid my tab at VVR. Yes, it can add up quickly, but it was my choice to get the trailer, hot meals, shower, etc. SO worth it from my perspective. YMMV. You can do it quite inexpensively if you choose. I said goodbye to Marie and Olive, and headed to the Ferry. The boat ride back to the trailhead was uneventful since the wind was calm.
I started hiking at 9:45. Several people commented on the Bear Ridge climb I was heading for. Sounded like nobody liked it... And I have to agree. It was a long, hard climb, and not the best scenery. Once I got to the top of the ridge though, the views improved considerably!
View from Bear Ridge
Bear Ridge
I think if I am here again in the future I will take the Bear Creek trail and avoid Bear Ridge. Bear Ridge means an unnecessary climb to the top of the ridge, and then drop down 1000 feet to Bear Creek.
As I was descending down Bear Ridge, I passed by a pack train. The packer was on his cell phone. What? Odd how this one little spot had cell service, and that the packer knew exactly the spot to get out his cell phone to make a call!
Bear Ridge Trailhead
Bear Creek Trailhead Pacific Crest Trail marker
The trail along Bear Creek was beautiful. There were wildflowers growing along the river, and the hiking was easy.
I was wondering if the rain that swept in last night would repeat today. Although there were enough clouds to damper some of the photos I wanted to shoot, no rain developed. At one point, I saw a shot I wanted to take of some wildflowers in the sun. It was one of those shots that had me lying on my stomach to get the shot I wanted. By the time I got situated, the clouds had covered the sun again. I waited for 10 minutes on my belly for the sun to peek out again, but no luck.
Bear Creek
Bear Creek
At around the 12 mile mark, I was getting tired, so I picked out a spot near the Bear Creek crossing (by the Bear Lake trail junction - Wenk site 6:14). Nice spot! Open, with granite slabs along the river. I stopped hiking at 5:15pm. Too many moskies, but much better than the wetter area I had just passed through.
I thought I was going to have company. Several people have been hiking up and down the river for over an hour. I wonder if they were doing some kind of survey or something. They disappeared just as it was getting dark. Hmmm...
I had Top Ramen for dinner. I actually enjoyed it. Now I wish I had brought more!
Bear Creek
Bear Creek crossing Camp at Bear Creek
It looks like an 11 mile day tomorrow. I have a "short stay" booked at Muir Trail Ranch tomorrow night. Yes, the call of a hot shower does sway me toward civilization often! I get to climb over Seldon Pass, and then a long downhill to MTR. Although every day on this trail brings unique and beautiful vistas, scenery and terrain, the days I get to summit a pass are still my favorite!